We started to feed the cows on some silage last week as the grass in the fields is starting to run out. They are responding fairly well to that and we shall need to be thinking of feeding them some form of concentrate food with it fairly soon.
Calving has been fairly busy.
Last night I had 2 sets of twins and a single. It was starting to look more like a nights lambing rather than a calving. All are well though, even if I am now exhausted.
The next couple of days are to be taken up with leading in wheat straw bales (approx 700 of them !) I think I won't be getting my whole weekend off this time round.
Tomorrow ( 7th) , the foot trimmer is coming in to do some cows feet for us. this is just routine and he comes in twice a year. It is good to keep on top of this job as if their feet are not sound then they won't walk correct, go lame and then not milk !
So it's off to bed early and I'll make a note to myself not to leave this for a week again.
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